iSTREAM 4.1.2 PTF set P411250218 Special Instructions -------------------- Ihe IBM i OS has to be at least at the V7R3M0 level. Documentation for Finastra Equation iStream RWA PTF should be obtained from iBoost Systems directly. PTF ID Option Group Description ------- ------ ------- ----------- 7S44020 3 CLRPFM transformation can now be implemented as multiple parallel processes, if the main job is holding locks of up to *SHRUPD and other jobs up to *SHRRD for the target file member(s). 7S44019 *BASE CLRPFM transformation can now be implemented as multiple parallel processes, if the main job is holding locks of up to *SHRUPD and other jobs up to *SHRRD for the target file member(s). 7S44018 7 Incorrect use of USER variable in CRCEEX1 query. 7S44017 *BASE *HYPER At restart the old server process row is not deleted from SAVRQSxxx table in ISTVQS, if the user name of the administrator job is not the same as was used to submit the original request. 7S44016 7 *HYPER Attempt to start replication fails in group streams with CPF0001 Error found on ALCOBJ command message in CRCESY3 program at statement 989. 7S44015 *BASE *HYPER CLRPFM transformation fails when CRCVCL7 lock retrieval service ends abnormally due to SQLCODE=462. 7S44014 *BASE *HYPER RSTUNTCFG command fails with CPF3773 message at statement 0000028100. 7S44013 7 ADDSYNDFN command added as an alternative means of preparing CRCECFG file for processing. 7S44012 7 *HYPER RCV1314 error when attempting to define cross-partition replication. 7S44011 7 Important diagnostic messages can be removed from the joblog after action errors. 7S44010 *BASE Help text update for APYISTPTF command. 7S44009 5 *HYPER PI System Monitor does not stop submitted traces if system is idle and no performance data is returned by QPMLPFRD API. PI System Monitor incorrectly detects idle intervals. PI System Monitor cannot handle multiple targer jobs having the same job number scenario. 7S44008 *BASE *HYPER CRTUSRSPC command ends in error CPF3C34 due to incorrect length of DELETE parameter in program. 7S44007 7 *HYPER Update and Delete operations may fail during replication of j-type due to record images being added to the record insert buffer. 7S44006 7 Incorrect data included in RCV134F error message as replication start. 7S44005 *BASE *HYPER STRISTMUD command does not accept "@" character as part of the unit name. 7S44004 *BASE *EQDFT iBoost RWA for Finastra Equation. 7S44003 2 *HIDDEN ROBOT/SAVE support for Finastra Equation. 7S44002 2 *HIDDEN BRMS support for Finastra Equation. 7S44001 *BASE *EQDFT Finastra Equation handshaking.