iSTREAM 4.1.1 PTF set P411250122 Special Instructions -------------------- Ihe IBM i OS has to be at least at the V7R3M0 level. Documentation for Finastra Equation iStream RWA PTF should be obtained from iBoost Systems directly. PTF ID Option Group Description ------- ------ ------- ----------- 7S34178 *BASE *HYPER Core components may incorrectly determine the name of the current unit when processing command transformation for rollback. 7S34177 7 Incorrect use of USER variable in CRCEEX1 query. 7S34176 *BASE *HYPER At restart the old server process row is not deleted from SAVRQSxxx table in ISTVQS, if the user name of the administrator job is not the same as was used to submit the original request. 7S34175 5 PI System Monitor does not stop submitted traces if system is idle and no performance data is returned by QPMLPFRD API. PI System Monitor incorrectly detects idle intervals. PI System Monitor cannot handle multiple targer jobs having the same job number scenario. 7S34174 *BASE *HYPER CRTUSRSPC command ends in error CPF3C34 due to incorrect length of DELETE parameter in program. 7S34173 7 *HYPER Update and Delete operations may fail during replication of j-type due to record images being added to the record insert buffer and not becoming immediately available to other modules. 7S34172 *BASE CPD0008 diagnostic message may be generated when prompting CHGDFTIST command from the command line. The message is accompanied by an exception message, e.g. CPF9999. 7S34171 2 *HYPER Command transformation cache recreated by PTF 7S34146 is incompatible with pre-7.5 releases of the Operation System. 7S34170 *BASE CRTUSRSPC command delivered by PTF 7S34145 is incompatible with pre-7.5 OS releases. 7S34169 4 Value '*ALL* ' for OBJ not a name or generic name. Error found on CRCVDOY command. received by procedure CRCVOPL. (C D I R) messages received when attempting to compile all splits for a unit. 7S34168 4 CRCSRTB may fail at statement 221 with RNX0100 "Length or start position is out of range for the string operation message. 7S34167 *BASE CHKUNTJRN command with OMITJRNE(*UNIT) parameter fails with an incorrect parameter value error message. CLRCKP command does not allow checkpoint names shorter than 7 characters. 7S34166 5 System monitor end command not monitored by the PI shutdown processor, so if monitor is not active, an escape message is generated. 7S34165 *BASE Command enablement operations may fail due to IST@OWNER profile losing *SECADM special authority during release reinstallation. 7S34164 2 MCH3402 error message received by CRCVCCN program at statement 13401. 7S34163 7 Replication server jobs fail with CPF1653 "Activation group CRCER not found." error messages when ending. 7S34162 4 DFNSPTPRM command fails due the command processor not being authorised to a service object in ISTVQS library. RCV3004 error message generated. 7S34161 *BASE DLTUNTCFG command fails due the command processor not being authorised to delete configuration objects in ISTVQS library. 7S34160 *BASE RCV1045 generated by CRCVIVJ processor of CHKUNTJRN command. CPF2223 escape message received by CRCVIVJ program at statement 19203. 7S34159 *BASE Utility for allowing public access to Query Manager objects in ISTSSYS library. 7S34158 4 New licensing framework used by Option 4. 7S34157 *BASE New licensing framework used by Option 4 core components. 7S34156 3 Parameter INCSELF of CHKOBJLCK command has been deprecated as redundant. 7S34155 *BASE *HYPER CHKUNTJRN command with option *MINRPT does not detect objects journaled to journals different from that specified using the command parameter. 7S34154 5 Ending iSTREAM PI activity may not end SYSMON, if it is running is a separate subsystem. 7S34153 *BASE OMIT parameter added to APYISTPTF command. 7S34152 5 Conditions for submitting DBMON are definied incorrectly. 7S34151 *BASE Internal framework update (ISTVSRV3 service program). Licence checking API CRCVLCK has been changed to establish post-expiration 21 day *SYSOPR warning period with operator action required. 7S34150 *BASE Internal framework update (ISTVSRV2 service program). 7S34149 7 Performance of the replicator included in the PTF 7S34147 is imporved by blockig WRITE operations to target files. 7S34148 *BASE ISTVRTP/ISTVRTC utilities fail to process command objects enabled for user-defined transformation. 7S34147 7 WRITE by RRN is deprecated in the j-type replication processor, as the existing algorithm conflicts with applications updating target files. 7S34146 2 Command transformation cache has been recreated using *USRSPC object significantly improving runtime transformation performance. 7S34145 *BASE CRTUSRSPC and CHGUSRSPC new commands and processors. 7S34144 5 A typo in the ANSPRMPT completion message. 7S34143 *BASE Access to CRCVSAR external registration facility exit file has been made more efficient. 7S34142 5 When using the 5250 front end "Display stack" queries end with an error due to STACKSRAQ *QMFORM object missing in the distribution libvrary. 7S34141 2 Closing comment brackets "*/" are allowed anywhere in the IF: specification line of a transformation definition. JIT switch implemented in Option 2. 7S34140 5 Profiling groups with single-job members are not processed correctly. CPF0001 escape message is generated by ANSPRF4 program. 7S34139 *BASE *SWn values have been added to the list of supported values for VRBLOG iSTREAM system variable. 7S34138 *BASE Core service program update (support for *SWn verbose mode implemented by PTF 7S34139) and multiple performance improvements. 7S34137 3 Command CHKOBJLCK replaces command VFYOBJLCK. The latter is kept as a proxi for compatibiklity. New parameter INCSELF allows to add locks held by the current job to the checking process. 7S34136 *BASE Command CHKOBJLCK replaces command VFYOBLCK. The latter is kept as a proxi for compatibility (core objects). 7S34135 3 RCV1048 is generated by VFYOBJCLK processor when OBJLIST has the value *PROTECTED and the protected list of libraries is empty for the unit. 7S34134 *BASE APYISTPTF processor does not correctly process single-digit option numbers. PTFs for such options are not applied. 7S34133 *BASE SNLCMD command moved to Option 2. 7S34132 3 Adopted authorites for CRCVCKP and CRCVCCK should no longer be added in option 3, since the programs have been moved to option *BASE. 7S34131 *BASE Add adopted authorities to CRCVCKP and CRCVCCK programs (earlier of option 3). 7S34130 3 Updates to help text. 7S34129 7 Checkpoint function moved to option *BASE. 7S34128 3 Checkpoint function moved to option *BASE. 7S34127 *BASE Checkpoint function moved to option *BASE. 7S34126 4 Verbose mode has been implemented for the WRKSPTSRC command processor. 7S34125 2 Verbose mode has been implemented for the WRKTFMDFN command processor. 7S34124 4 After applying PTFs 7S34047 and/or 7S34068 there may appear authorisation issues with iStream multistreaming functions due to incorrect change of ownership for ISTVCOR4 service program. 7S34123 *BASE Internal joblog message removal framework update. 7S34122 *BASE APYISTPTF command parameters are not consistenly saved to be used by the next prompt. 7S34121 1 Enable line command retrieval using PF9 key after DSPFLSRQS invocation. 7S34120 *BASE CRCVSTK API processor modified to remove CRC2469 and CPF24CC messages from joblog. 7S34119 *BASE Multiple message typos in CRCVMSGF iSTREAM< system message file. 7S34118 7 Line commands added for the reset file replication and reset group replication functions. 7S34117 0 Standard PI Job Watcher definition name used by SGROUP menu option 21 processor is incorrect. 7S34116 5 PI programs used LIB and @LIBTYPE data areas to determine the provenanc of the collection library. Giong forward, only @LIBTYPE data area will be used. 7S34115 7 The old replication service agent is no longer ended before STRFILSYN or STRGRPSYN prompt is displayed. STRRPLUNT PRESET(*PRV) functionality added. 7S34114 *BASE CRCVKIL program modified to optionally retrieved job id to be ended from *LDA data area. 7S34113 7 Position of record subfile on DSPFILSYN screen is retained. RESET option added to the list of DSPFILSYN options. 7S34112 4 ISTREAM copies of OVRDBF and DLTF commands are now used in generated source in order to avoid potential command transformation problems. 7S434111 2 Singleton command functionality in the command transformation component is incorrect and the related processing is never takes place. 7S34110 7 Help text for STRUNTRPL command is not clear. 7S34109 5 Support for the profiling group capability(DBMON). 7S34108 1 When a local flash request is submitted iStream processor waits for the save-while-active checkpoints to be taken for 900 seconds ignoring the configured SAVACT variable. 7S34107 5 Support for the profiling group capability. This capability allows collection of profile data for multiple groups of unrelated jobs using a single collector. 7S34106 5 Foundation support for the profiling group capability. This capability allows collection of profile data for multiple groups of unrelated jobs using a single collector. 7S34105 5 Foundation support for new command ENDAPPPRF that can be used to selectively end one of the currently active collection processes. 7S34104 4 When a work file object is locked by an external job during the multistreaming initialisation, CRTDUPOBJ comnmand executed in stream jobs may fail. Retry, however, may not be possible, if the original lock was a member lock, rather than a file lock. In such a case the file is partially created in the target library at first attempt, so the second attempt fails. 7S34103 7 *RRN-based replication compilation fails. "TFILN" symbol is undefined. 7S34102 *BASE Error mesaging in CCT is inconsistent with diagnostic messages issued as informational. 7S34101 1 Flash request fails in the submitted sercvice job in module CRCVSR2 at statement 9900 with error mesage CPF0001. 7S34100 *BASE Execution modes for SNLCMD command are no longer restricted when iStream command secutity is not turned on. 7S34099 2 Command transformation definitions with SL prefix cause looping at runtime. 7S34098 2 This PTF provides parameter adding functionality to the command transformation function. 7S34097 1 If an error is detected in the flash request processing job and the related error message appears in the main processing job, it is impossible to retry the failing backup (save-while-active) using the 'R' option. 7S34096 *BASE ISTVQSC utility does not remove certain types of stale objects from ISTVQS library. 7S34095 7 Typo in CRCEDR1 report column header. 7S34094 1 "Level check on file SAVRQSxxx in library ISTVQS with member CRCVAQTR05. Function check. CPF4131 unmonitored by CRCVPRN at statement 0000005100" after PTF 7S34088 is applied. 7S34093 7 "Level check on file SAVRQSxxx in library ISTVQS with member CRCVAQTR05. Function check. CPF4131 unmonitored by CRCEPRN at statement 0000005100" and "Level check on file SAVRQSxxx in library ISTVQS with member CRCVAQTR05. Function check. CPF4131 unmonitored by CRCESIG at statement 0000005100" after PTF 7S34088 is applied. 7S34092 7 DFNRPLUNT command with ILIB(*UNIT) parameter is incorrectly processed. 7S34091 1 This PTF includes the updated flash processor modules for the new request synchronisation mechanism. 7S34090 1 This PTF includes service programs used the flash processor for the new request synchronisation mechanism. 7S34089 1 This PTF includes the updated WAITFLSRQS command processor for the new request synchronisation mechanism. 7S34088 1 This PTF includes foundation objects for the updated flash request synchronisation mechanism. 7S34087 1 New LSTFLSJOBA API included in this PTF. 7S34086 7 Support for CLRPFM in j-type replication processor (incompatible with IBM i OS 7.2) 7S34085 7 *HIDDEN J-type replication processor incorrectly performs DELETE record operation for the target file (compatibility patch for IBM i OS 7.2). 7S34084 7 J-type replication processor incorrectly performs DELETE record operation for the target file. 7S34083 7 Files in the target libraries allocated ro *SHRNUP making it impossible for applications to apply concurrent updates to them. 7S34082 *BASE CRCVCMB was called recursively. (From Replication function) Application error. RNX8888 unmonitored by CRCVCMB at statement *N, instruction X'0000'. 7S34081 1 CRCVCFS utility program for creating template flash subsystem for unit is included in the PTF. 7S34080 7 STRRPLUNT processng time significantly increases, if a large number of files is defined for replication. 7S34079 1 Flash subsystem configured for unit is not used, iSTREAM defaulting to the subsystem created for common unit (@@@). 7S34078 7 Generic names support for DFNRPLUNT processing. 7S34077 7 Number of files configured for replication increased to 2048 in CMPRPLUNT processor. 7S34076 1 Subfile size of the flash monitor increased to 2048 rows. 7S34075 7 Number of files configured for replication increased to 2048 in DSPFILSYN processor. 7S34074 7 Number of files configured for replication increased to 2048 in DFNRPLUNT processor. 7S34073 2 Multiple messages CPF2469 generated by CRCVAC2 in joblog, if trace messsage queue CRCOPT2 has not been created. 7S34072 5 New headers defined for Disk Watcher Raw Data query. Query forms are now used for displaying reports in workstation mode. 7S34071 5 Wait buckets query from IBM pfrcol group ends with error message CPF5033. 7S34070 5 Job description PDCMONJD has been introduced to control execution of the iSTREAM System Monitor. 7S34069 7 *RRN-based replication compilation fails, if the compiling job is not in iStream mode. 7S34068 4 Incorrect JOBD is used for stream job submitting. 7S34067 1 When monitoring remote flash processes actions appear not to be working. 7S34066 *BASE CRTCKP commnand processor does not implicitly enter iStream mode for job. 7S34065 *BASE Incorret error message after failure to create vrtual optical device. 7S34064 7 Compilation listing generation added. 7S34063 4 Compilation listing generation added. 7S34062 2 Compilation listing generation added. 7S34061 7 *HIDDEN J-type replication compatibility patch for IBM i V7R2M0. 7S34060 7 DSPFILSYN processor does not enter iStream mode. Due to this, attempts to restart replication jobs may either end in error or work incorrectly. 7S34059 7 STRRPLUNT command now allows to adjust the journal entry j-type replication starts from. 7S34058 7 If multiple pairs of STRRPLUNT and ENDRPLUNT commands are coded in a CL program following one another replication may fail to start in one of the cycles due to the *CONTROL job being slow to end. 7S34057 7 Failure of the *CONTROL job may cause replicator jobs going into a processing loop. 7S34056 7 Seamless processing of the CPF5006 error message condition by *R4RN replicator. 7S34055 4 After executing INZSPTVAL command for a file with a breakdown by a numeric field, OPNQRYF data conversion error message may be generated at runtime due to the OPNQRYF processor deficiency. 7S34053 7 Attempts to submit file synchronisation with reset for a logical file (*LF) ends in error. RESET parameter should not be enabled for *LF type of replication. 7S34052 7 COMPARE method for source and target files is incorrect for *LF replication. 7S34051 7 *HYPER Copy-based replication fails with the "Operation sequence not valid" message. 7S34050 7 CRCEFER attempting to update a data area with a blank name. 7S34049 7 CMPRPLUNT processor ignores option *NUMFILES. 7S34048 4 Large-scale numerics used as split fields are rejected at the time of the definition. 7S34047 4 Non-existent job descriptions replaced with QBATCH when submitting multistreaming service jobs. 7S34046 4 Incorrect error message generated by INZSPTVAL processor. INZSPTVAL processor ends with RCV1270 error message. 7S34045 7 Unnecessary opening of the replication source file for output by the generated replication code. 7S34044 7 Help text updates. 7S34043 5 Help text updates. 7S34042 4 Help text updates. 7S34040 2 Help text updates. 7S34039 1 Help text updates. 7S34038 *BASE Help text updates. 7S34037 *BASE P/O program added to APYISTPTF command. 7S34036 *BASE CRTCKP command moved to core. 7S34034 3 Option 3 is no longer a formal pre-requisite for option 7. 7S34033 4 Option 4 is no longer a formal pre-requisite for option 7. 7S34032 1 After taking an action on DSPFLSRQS display it is brought back to the first record of the subfile. 7S34031 7 After taking an action on DSPFILSYN display it is brought back to the first record of the subfile. 7S34030 4 CRCSISL module does not initialise a loop counter, so INZSPTVAL processing may fail. 7S34029 7 *LF-based replication support new program components. 7S34028 7 *LF-based replication support for replication definition process. 7S34027 7 *LF-based replication support for replication compilation process. 7S34026 7 *LF-based replication support for runtime. 7S34025 *BASE DLTVOPT command only accepts 10-character device names. 7S34024 7 DFNRPLUNT processor has been changed to offer no multistreaming option. 7S34023 *BASE Error in prompt override processor for CHGDFTIST command when Option 3 is not installed. 7S34022 4 INZSPTVAL command now allows entering optional LBL and HBL parameter values. They are used to reset the lower limit and higher limit values for the first and the last breakdown range respectively. 7S34021 *BASE "CPF3756 FILE CRCVFAF not restored to ISTSSYS" message received when slip-installing iSTREAM V4R1M1 over V4R0M1 modification. 7S34019 *BASE Application error. CPF2110 unmonitored by CRCVDUC at statement 0000015404, instruction X'0000'. 7S34018 *BASE This PTF changes the status of CRCSRKF and CRCSRK1 programs from "included in an option" to "included in *BASE". 7S34017 4 RRN breakdown is processed for the number of file records at the time of the split component submission. Newly added records may be omitted. 7S34016 4 Incorrect string index error in CRCSRTB module when invoking the same multistreaming component multiple times from the same job. 7S34015 4 Multistreaming with a split by RRN fails attempting to delete a file from QTEMP when multiple master files using the RRN-type split are defined. Multistreaming for RRN cannot be configured due to a missing parameter in DFNSPTPRM command. 7S34014 4 Split compilation program is sending *STATUS messages to the previous program in the stack compromising message monitoring. 7S34013 7 No help text provided for WAITRPLRQS command. 7S34012 3 *HYPER CPF0001 Error found on call command. Program CRCVCSJ in library ISTSSYS not found. Incorrect handling of objects selected for omission. 7S34011 1 This PTF allows a copy of CRCVSOP file containing SAVACT options for each system command supported by Flash Feature to be optionally created in ISTVQS library. 7S34010 7 The PTF contains updates and corrections to command help text. 7S34009 7 *RRN-based replication support new program components are included in this PTF. 7S34008 7 *RRN-based replication support for replication definition process is included in this PTF. 7S34007 7 *RRN-based replication support for replication compilation process is included in this PTF. 7S34006 7 *RRN-based replication support for runtime is included in this PTF. 7S34005 7 *HYPER null-capable fields support for copy-based replication. 7S34004 *BASE *EQDFT iBoost RWA for Finastra Equation. 7S34003 2 *HIDDEN ROBOT/SAVE support for Finastra Equation. 7S34002 2 *HIDDEN BRMS support for Finastra Equation. 7S34001 *BASE *EQDFT Finastra Equation handshaking.